Passing the 11+ examinations requires a combination of the following:
- Aptitude The pupil must have the aptitude necessary to perform well-above average in the subjects tested. Tuition and effort will not compensate for insufficient aptitude. If in doubt, seek the primary school’s opinion as to your child’s academic potential.
- Effort The pupil must work diligently throughout the period of preparation. If this is an issue, or becomes one, it is primarily one for parents to address.
- Knowledge & Skills The pupil needs expert instruction in the relevant skills and knowledge. Our proven course provides this in a small-group format, in a well-structured, very successful, uniquely interactive way.
- Performance The pupil must perform well on exam day. Beyond ensuring your child is fresh, healthy and free from worry and distractions, there is little else anyone but the child can do on exam day.
S'ir Tailor is a dedicated eleven plus tutor with over a decade of experience in helping children get the best out of their future. To find out more about the eleven plus tutor courses run by S'ir Tailor, click on the contact us button above or call 07980 626670 (7 days a week, 10am to 3pm).